
"Do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink or about your body, what you will wear. ...But seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you."

Matthew 6:25, 33

Why We Give

Giving is not a requirement of the church. It is a step of obedience as a result of following Jesus. Jesus set the example of generosity by giving His life to pay our ransom, so we can be heirs of His Kingdom. At Father's Tree, giving is part of our worship.

Ways To Give

Giving Online

Giving online is convenient and safe, and it assists with the administration of the finances. The giving online option assists to set up auto-payment at different intervals or to give a one-time gift.  After a gift is processed, a giving confirmation will be sent straight to your email.

Give A Check

If you would like to mail a check, the address is:
2515 Green Mountain Rd. SE, Huntsville AL 35803
Please specify what the gift is for: Tithe, Building Fund or Offering.

Your Generosity Makes An Impact

We are honored and appreciate that you want to partner with us financially to advance the Kingdom of God. We believe in honoring and maintain accounting records so we can be accountable for the church finances. If you have questions or would like more details about the finances, email us at and we will be happy to answer your questions.

As we live intentionally as family, we want to be generous in order that we might advance His Kingdom locally, nationally and internationally and walk out Jesus' command in Acts 1:8 to go and make disciples to the ends of the earth."